The Salvation Army Toronto Grace Health Centre’s (TGHC) highly respected wound care program has partnered with Curiato Inc. in the development of its Smart Surface Monitoring Platform (SSMP) technology.  Pressure injuries (PIs) are serious adverse events and impose a tremendous financial burden on the healthcare system.  Both Curiato Inc. and the TGHC understand that preventing pressure injuries (skin breakdown) helps to relieve patient suffering, greatly improving their outcomes, and provides substantial support for the nurses who care to them. 

The Smart Surface Monitoring Platform (SSMP) is a Health Canada Class I medical device that is safe for clinical use, and accurate in detecting three major pressure injury risk factors in patients: pressure, temperature and moisture.  This non-invasive SSMP is placed over the hospital bed mattress, underneath the bedding and is in the form of a low-powered and waterproof mattress cover.  The SSMP measures the outcomes and translates the data to the nursing station via support software.

Phase III of the research study in partnership between The Salvation Army Toronto Grace Health Centre and Curiato Inc. has commenced for “The Usability and Reliability in Using a Real-Time Smart Surface Continuous Monitoring Alert Notification System, to Improve Nursing Workflow: A Case Series”.  Funding for this study was provided by the Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation (CABHI) in the amount of $200K. 

The goal for this nurse-led initiative is to close the existing gap in bedside monitoring capacity.  The study is to evaluate feedback and perceptions from nursing on the reliability and usability of the new SSMP that detects patient surface interface pressure and moisture exposure (temperature, humidity, moisture) events.  The study explores how real-time detection and notification of interface pressure, and microclimate might prioritize care and impact efficiency of staff workflow when used in conjunction with existing pressure injury prevention and standard of care practices.

Thank you to our nursing team in participating in this advancement in technology and patient care.