News & Updates

  1. TGHC parking lot night shot.

    Toronto Grace Celebrates Re-Dedication

    Today at 2 p.m. The Salvation Army Toronto Grace Health Centre will be celebrating in the Official Re-Dedication of our beautiful newly renovated facility.  Join our staff in the celebration of this major accomplishment.  Congratulations!…

  2. Photo of patient, Ian.

    Meet Ian and his mother Bernice

    Ian is twenty–four years old and is an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) patient at The Salvation Army Toronto Grace Health Centre (TGHC). Ian was on his way home late at night on September 7, 2016,…

  3. Toronto Grace Re-dedication Celebration

      The Salvation Army Toronto Grace Health Centre patients, their families and staff are pleased to be back in our home at 650 Church Street following three years of infrastructure renewal to our facility.  Thank…

  4. In loving memory of Robert Hamilton

    Dana Hamilton has generously gifted to the Grace a beautiful stained glass window for the Chapel in loving memory of his father Robert Hamilton who passed away on our palliative care unit in 2014.  This…

  5. Our patient satisfaction survey volunteers.

    Annual Patient Satisfaction Survey

    The Salvation Army Toronto Grace Health Centre will be conducting its Annual Patient Satisfaction survey between the weeks of August 28 to September 04 including weekends from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.  The survey will…

  6. Maxine

    Maxine is fifty-three years old and is originally from Jamaica. She has lived in Canada for the last twenty years. Early on, Maxine was diagnosed with several autoimmune diseases. She has lupus, which involves the…

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