Our Patient-Family Advisory Council

Frequent communication about what is happening in and around The Salvation Army Toronto Grace Health Centre (TGHC) and how that affects our people is crucial. We have created our Patient-Family Advisory Council to support communication between our patients, their loved loves and the TGHC.

Through a group of patients and family members of patients, hospital management and staff, the Patient-Family Advisory Council is committed to find opportunities to improve the patient and family experience through collaboration and openness.


Guided by The Salvation Army Toronto Grace Health Centre’s (TGHC) mission, vision and values, the Patient-Family Advisory Council is to:

  1. Provide a forum that facilitates patients and their families to have direct input and influence on services at the TGHC;
  2. Support the delivery of appropriate and compassionate care for patients of the TGHC; and
  3. Support the improvement of the quality of care and quality of life for all patients by informing, educating, sharing ideas, acting on issues and communicating effectively.


The Patient-Family Advisory Council:

  1. Operates in an advisory capacity, recommending on matters that impact the TGHC patients and their families;
  2. Works in partnership with patients, their families, TGHC staff, physicians and volunteers; and
  3. Considers issues and concerns that may be relevant to the broader patient population but is not a forum to resolve issues and concerns of one patient or family.


The Director of Spiritual and Religious Care and a patient or family member or community member will Co-Chair the Patient-Family Advisory Council. The Council will be supported by three staff: Director of Spiritual and Religious Care, the President & CEO (or designate) and the Chief Nursing Executive (CNE). The Council is comprised of six patients/family members with representatives from the various patient care units/programs and/or a community member.


The Council will meet on a quarterly basis with a pre-set agenda allowing all members to discuss opportunities to improve the patient and family experience.

Minutes will be taken to ensure agenda items are appropriately followed up.


A Notice of Meeting will go out to Council members at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.

Any agenda items from Council members must be received by the Director of Spiritual and Religious Care one week prior to the meeting.


Meeting minutes will be kept and distributed. Minutes are posted on bulletin board on each floor and will have responses to suggestions from boxes on each unit. 


The Patient-Family Advisory Council reports to the Senior Management Team (SMT). Reports from the Patient-Family Advisory Council will be delivered to SMT by the Director of Spiritual and Religious Care.


To take part in meaningful change at TGHC, we welcome you to apply to join the Patient Family Advisory Council, or if you would like more information about the Council, please contact or call 416-925-2251, ext. 294.


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