Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Program

Albert ABI Patient

The Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Program is designed for patients who have brain damage, both traumatic and non-traumatic, as a result of events after birth, not related to a congenital disorder or a development disability.  Our ABI Program provides a slow-paced rehabilitation approach, and helps to transition ABI patients to high-tolerance, short-duration rehabilitation centres, from which ultimately they return to the community or home.

The TGHC works closely with acute care trauma centres in Ontario Health-Toronto and accepts up to fifteen low-tolerance, long-duration patients for care.  Our determination of the ABI Program’s success is measured by the following: number of clients successfully transferred to the community with or without additional community services; number of clients with access to external rehabilitation programs such as External Day Program at West Park Healthcare Centre and those offered by the Brain Injury Society of Toronto; and number of clients receiving ongoing appropriate rehabilitation from the TGHC who are medically stable.


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