Mental Health and Addictions Program

This program is a fundamental component of the comprehensive care that the TGHC offers our patients.  The program, developed in partnership with Unity Health (St. Michael’s Hospital), provides mental health diagnoses and treatments to patients who suffer with mental health and substance abuse issues to help them better manage their problems.  Mental health issues frequently encountered include anxiety disorder, mood disorders and schizophrenia, as well as geriatric mental health disorders such as dementia, cognitive and behavioural symptoms, delirium, and depression.

Facilitated by the Ontario Telehealth Network, the Mental Health Program offers some of our patients’ videoconferencing consultation with a psychiatrist. Monthly on-site consultation sessions are also available for our patients.

An occupational therapist (OT) with mental health training is the leader of the TGHC’s Mental Health and Addictions Program team.  On admission, all patients are assessed by the TGHC’s interprofessional health care team, and patients with a history of a psychiatric disorder, or who show symptoms of such disorders, or who express a mental health issue, or who experienced substance abuse concerns are referred to the OT.

The OT provides patients with individual counselling and information on community services.  As well as offering services to individual patients, the OT also provides group therapy and family support, along with the services provided to patients and their families, the OT supports the interprofessional health care team by attending rounds, and team and family meetings. The OT shares strategies and provides guidance on how to better manage patients who suffer from mental health issues or who struggle with substance abuse, and has input into the patient’s plan of care.


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