Bruce a former Post-Transplant Rehabilitation Program patient

Bruce, a fifty-three year old patient, was admitted to Toronto General Hospital (TGH) for a kidney transplant. In July 2016, following Bruce’s surgery, he was transferred to the new Post-Transplant Rehabilitation Program at The Salvation Army Toronto Grace Health Centre (TGHC).  Upon arrival at TGHC the rehabilitation team began working with Bruce on transferring from his wheelchair to a walker as well as to his bed.

Kidney trouble has not been the only major health issue that Bruce has had to cope with. Twenty-years ago, Bruce was also diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and he continues to take anti-psychotic medications. Now he must also manage his immuno-suppressants – anti-rejection drugs designed to reduce the possibility of organ rejection for his kidney transplant. Bruce must take these medications for the rest of his life.

To help Bruce live independently, the rehabilitation team worked with him on organizing and managing his medications, as well as on preparing food, and coordinating and economizing his movements.

Bruce has made excellent progress, however his health continues to be an issue. On two occasions, Bruce developed complications’ that required him to return to TGH, for his condition to be assessed and further managed by the transplant team.

Despite these necessary return visits to TGH, Bruce was very motivated to return home before Thanksgiving weekend. After his return from TGH, Bruce was able to make a steady recovery. He reained his strength and endurance, and was able to manage his own medications as well as director his own care.  Bruce was discharged from TGHC in October, and met his goal to be home before Thanksgiving weekend.

Bruce believes the TGHC provides excellent care. “From the beginning they welcomed me with open arms. The nurses were attentive and caring,” he told me, smiling. “Very motherly.” “They would even help me in the evenings with my exercises and accompany me when I walked around the unit – everyone was really helpful.”

“Everyone was supportive,” continued Bruce, “my rehab team, the nurses, the pharmacist, who helped me with my medications.” He also enjoyed his chats with the chaplain when she would visit and found Sunday morning services quite peaceful.

I asked Bruce if he attended any of the programs in recreational therapy. He said he had and that he particularly liked the coffee and news program; where patients gather together for coffee and discuss the daily news. Bruce was motivated to attend because as he said, “I like to put in my two cents worth.”

By Gerry Condotta