Max, pet therapy

Max is a ten year old Golden Retriever. He has been visiting with patients and staff at Toronto Grace for eight years, ever since he became a Registered Therapy dog with Therapeutic Paws of Canada. Max continues to enjoy the affection and all the pats he receives on his weekly visits to the Grace.

He also finds time in his schedule to visit at a nursing home to visit my mother and friends. On occasion, he has made special visits to children in nursery schools, Universities and Ronald MacDonald House. Max continues to be a popular visitor in his neighbourhood.

Max loves people of all ages, especially children. He enjoys all seasons – rolling in the snow, swimming and riding in a boat. He seems to know who enjoys his visit; there are a few patients that Max never walks by their door without going in. Although Max is always on lead when doing his visits, he knows his way around and could take you on a tour.