Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week to all our wonderful volunteers at The Salvation Army Toronto Grace Health Centre.

Our volunteers support us in so many ways: through providing one-on-one conversation with our patients, assistance in our Recreational Therapy Program, portering patients to and from their various programs including to Chapel service and Rehabilitation Services.  Our musically talented volunteers provide concerts for our patients, are our pianists for our Chapel services; and a special program at the Toronto Grace is provided by our certified therapeutic harp practitioner who can be heard in the halls as she visits one-on-one with our patients.  These are just to name a few areas where volunteers support our patients, their families and staff.  Thank you for your dedication and support to us all!

On April 20th, Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration recognized volunteers across Ontario for reaching a long term service milestone and under their youth program.  This year three volunteers from Toronto Grace Health Centre were awarded with long service awards ranging from five years to fifteen years.  In addition to recognizing these committedVolunteer week 1 volunteers, four volunteers were presented the “The Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers”.  Congratulations to our committed team of volunteers!