I first began my journey as a volunteer in the month of April 2018 with the Salvation Army Toronto Grace Health Centre (TGHC). This was my introduction to the world of volunteering and I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity.

I first started volunteering on the CCC4 unit on Sundays and would also assist Rima as a Volunteer Resources Assistant on weekdays. This past August I started working full-time at a Non-Profit Organization and the only thing that changed was not being able to help out during the week. I continue to come in on Sundays because the patients, their families, the staff and everyone else associated with the TGHC have become an integral part of my new life that I have been building on since February 2018.

When I first arrived, I was in a new country and thousands of miles away from my comfortable life, loving family and friends. The TGHC has given me great friends, mentors, a positive outlook and moments of joy. The experiences and people here have taught me to be kind, compassionate, humble, and have encouraged me to strive to be a good human being. I also help with chapel and memorial services during my volunteer shift.

I was recently asked why I continue to volunteer. As you can see from what I have mentioned above, there are plenty of reasons for why I still volunteer and will continue to do so.

One thing that I would like to share with everyone who interacts with either patients, family members or the staff is to make a point of genuinely asking at least one person per shift how they are doing. Believe me when I say, you will receive a wide variety of responses. One time, a beautiful 93 years young female patient on the 5th floor told me that she was “making progress” and “doing much better than last week”. Another gentleman answered, “Great! I have nothing to complain about, the Lord has been kind to me and I have everything I need.” I would encourage you to take a moment to think about these responses and notice how you feel after.

Although there are many more experiences that would like to share, I will be signing off on that note. I would be happy to talk to you more about my experiences and know more about yours. You can find me bustling around on Sunday mornings. If you are ever around, please do find me. I will be more than happy to talk to you and get to know you!

Nupuur Khedeykar
Complex Continuing Care Volunteer