Tracy shares, “I started volunteering in the Palliative Care unit at Toronto Grace in the summer of 2019 until COVID temporarily shut down the volunteer in-person program.  However, we were still able to setup regular phone calls with some patients to provide continued support, and I was even able to drop off treats for a patient I had weekly calls with which she was missing during lock-down.  The Recreation Therapy program was the first to re-open in 2021 and I was anxious to restart volunteering, so I transferred to that unit.

I live very close by and knew of TGHC’s contributions and impacts within the community.  I started volunteering because I had a more flexible work schedule and had a desire to get experience with patients with complex needs as my own parents are aging and living in assisted living now.  I realized how lucky my parents are to have family members to help take care of them, but not everyone does; volunteering helps to fill that gap for some people.

Volunteering is a rewarding experience on its own; however, what keeps me wanting to continue volunteering are the patients and their families, the staff, and other volunteers at TGHC.

From my days in Palliative Care, I became friends with a patient from the day she entered TGHC to her time of leaving to be with God in heaven.  I also developed a friendship with the wife of another patient as we spent a lot of time together since her husband was usually sleeping.  Day-to-day we are building meaningful connections, strong relationships, and supporting patients and their families and the staff at TGHC.  TGHC is truly a patient-centered care organization.

We also achieved organizational accomplishments.  With the group of experienced staff and volunteers in the Recreation Therapy program, we were able to start a new interactive group program for the respiratory patients to get them involved.  Once a week, we come together to engage in exciting games of jeopardy, family feud, trivia and even arts and crafts where we are also supported by RT’s and SLP’s if required.

Lastly, aside from the relationships and accomplishments that I expected to be part of volunteering, I also didn’t realize how much fun it would be!  It really is a joy for me to come into the Grace each week.  From the successful fundraising Christmas bazaar selling amazing patient creations, along with the cooked and baked goods and gardening, which all raised money for the patient programs, to playing jeopardy and family feud with the patients.  We also brought the patients together to watch the World Cup, just like most other families around the whole world were able to do. I really enjoy my time at the Grace and hope to continue volunteering for many years to come.”

Tracy Dyba
Recreation Therapy Volunteer